Summer heat can take its toll on your stucco. High humidity levels during summers can damage your foundation and lead to mold growth. In addition, moisture that builds up in and behind your stucco can lead to water damage and even dry rot. Every individual with a stucco home should make summertime stucco maintenance a priority. Regular maintenance keeps your stucco looking its best, addresses current problems, and prevents future issues, helping extend the stucco lifespan. Here are some of our top summertime stucco maintenance tips. Clean Your Stucco RegularlyAs your stucco comes in contact with dirt and concrete, it can absorb moisture. To prevent wicking from occurring, clean your stucco regularly. How to Clean Stucco?Spray water on your stucco using a garden hose to loosen up stains and dirt. Scrub stains with a bristle brush. Allow your stucco time to dry. Once it has completely dried, rinse the surface one last time. For stubborn stains, use a mixture of dish soap and water or bleach solution or TSP solution. If you want to use a pressure washer instead of a garden hose, ensure the nozzle is at a 40-degree angle. Stand 12-24 inches away from the wall you want to clean. The pressure on your power washer should be between 1,500 psi and 2,800 psi. *A Word of Caution: Take the proper precautions when using TSP. Wear gloves, eyeglasses, and a long-sleeve shirt. Test the solution on a small area of your stucco to check if it damages the color in any way. Repair Cracks Like other materials, stucco can crack over time. Stucco cracks can lead to moisture problems in summer. Regularly inspect your stucco for cracks. Repair hairline cracks immediately or they may get worse over time. If your house is old, consider applying elastomeric paint to your stucco to cover hairline cracks. The elastomeric coating protects stucco from damage by sealing cracks. If the cracks in your stucco are larger than ⅛ of an inch, seek help from a stucco contractor in Olds. Do not delay repairs. Not only are stucco cracks unsightly, but they can also affect the structural integrity of your stucco. If you ignore cracks, they will continue to widen. Plus, mold and mildew can grow in them. Seal Your StuccoIf you can’t remember the last time you applied a stucco sealer to your stucco, seal it this summer. Sealing your stucco is a great way to prevent moisture intrusion – one of the most common stucco problems in summer. Stucco contractors in Olds usually use a clear masonry sealer that penetrates the stucco pores and prevents any moisture from getting in.
Do-All Stucco & Stone is a renowned stucco contractor in Olds. Our stucco technicians have spent years studying different stucco application and remediation methods. Their expertise enables them to come up with cost-effective solutions to stucco problems. To schedule stucco repair in Olds, call 403-588-5306.